Friday, January 16, 2009

New Shoes Old Blue

I spent part of my Christmas gift certificate on new shoes. They are black and white and very comfy.

My dad saw his eye doctor and they ran a ton of tests and told him to come back in two months. We are taking that as good news.

I have played Call of Duty: World at War to the point that I don't think I can get any farther in the ranks. It is too the point where the people you get assigned to play with are so much better than you you are shot right after spawning. You think these game makers would see this and program for that. I guess that requires more work than they are wiling to do. For now I been trying to find new players in the co op game and help them if I can. So of these people are beyond rude and fowl mouthed. Makes you wounder how they would behave if their grandmother was watching. Some of these kids make you worry for the future of the US but then you run into kids like my buddy Toffie. Toffie is a sweet kid and enjoys playing and helping other people. Too bad there arn't more like him.

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