Thursday, March 26, 2009

Enough To Make An Angel Angry

I just spent half an hour trying to post a comment and a friends blog.
No matter what I tried or how nice I talked to my laptop I could not leave a comment on the blog.
Maybe Bloger has something against sarcasm.
Maybe this is a policy instated by the new socialist government we now find our selves under.

In any case. It's enough to make an angle toss her laptop across the room.


Angel said...

hehe. Would you like me to beat up your laptop for you? If you remember correctly, I'm very good at that sort of thing.

I have a laptop, but never use the darned thing because I can't get the monitor close enough to my eyes to see it. GRRR! So...I gave the thing to Jessica.

You're a doll. You know that?

Angel said...

I made some changes to some of my settings and maybe it will work now. I have no idea.

My offer to kick your laptop still stands.

Angel said...

:-p So there. *pout*